
ORCID and author profiles essentials

Event details

About the event

ORCID and other author profiles are key tools for researchers, used to ensure they can access research metrics quickly, manage their publication list easily, and get credit for all their work. This session will outline how to set up and manage an ORCID ID, link it to Deakin Elements for automatic publication claiming at Deakin, and link it to other popular author profiles like Scopus Author ID and Web of Science ResearcherID/Publons profile, and the ARC’s RMS.

We’ll also cover what to do when profiles contain incorrect information or if extra profiles exist that need to be merged.

Who should attend

This workshop is targeted at researchers, Higher Degree by Research students, and professional research support staff.


  • Understand the benefits of populating and managing your ORCID profile for data transfer with other researcher systems
  • Create an ORCID and link with databases to pre-fill your publication list and other data
  • Link your ORCID to Deakin Elements
  • Know how to submit corrections for Scopus and Web of Science author profiles
  • Complete useful settings to prepare for linking with the ARC’s RMS

Resources used

ORCID, Elements, Scopus, Web of Science.

Important access information

For everyone’s security, the link to this Zoom session will be sent out one day prior to the training. This information is also included in the calendar invitation sent along with your confirmation email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder.

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Event organiser

Research Librarians